Saturday 29 October 2016

Test Questions!

*The test will take place on Tuesday, November 1 (8A and 8B)

                                              Who were these men? Recognize anyone?

Confederation – Unit Test #1

*Fill in all blanks with the best answer. Each blank is worth 1 mark. Have fun!

1.     Many felt that railways such as the ____________________________________ , from  ____________________ to ______________________, and the _________________________ from ____________________ to ______________________ were essential to the future security and economy of the British North American colonies.
2.     In the years before Confederation, Britain began to move more and more of its troops out of the colonies. This was because soldiers were expensive, and Britain needed additional help to fight battles in Europe. As a result, defending the colonies from internal and external threats became a big concern. One fairly small group of Irish settlers, known as the___________________________, was one of these security concerns.
3.     During the American Civil War, an American warship stopped an unarmed British merchant and mail ship. This event, known as the “______________ Affair” increased tensions, and emphasized the fact that invasion by the ______________________________was still a genuine threat. Formation of a union, was, once again, considered one way to decrease this risk.
4.     Before confederation, there were two main political parties in Canada West, both of which still exist today. The _________________________________ were led by Sir John A. Macdonald. The _____________________________________ were led by ________________________________ . Fortunately, these two leaders agreed to put aside some of their political differences to form a coalition and promote union of the colonies in British North America.
5.     Since more people lived in Canada West than Canada East, Macdonald and Brown thought it was only fair for Canada West to have more elected representatives. Determining how many elected politicians will represent an area, based on its population, is called ________________________________________.
6.     Three separate conferences were held prior to Confederation to establish the guidelines for how a united country would look. These were held in _____________________________, ____________________________ and ______________________________.
7.     The first of these conferences was originally only going to include the ________________________ colonies. These included: ______________________, __________________________ and _________________________.
8.     However, Sir John A. Macdonald felt very strongly about forming a union with these three colonies, and convinced them to include ___________________________ and _____________________________ in the meetings.
9.     Unfortunately, the delegates involved in these conferences, known as the “_____________________________________,” did not consider the opinions and rights of several very important groups.
10. These included: _________________, _________________ and _____________________________.
11. The Dominion of Canada was officially formed on _______________________________.
12. The first four Provinces included in the Dominion were: ________________________ ________________________, ________________________and ,_________________________________.
13. The first Prime Minister of the Dominion was ___________________________________.
14. The Confederation Act, also known as the  ________________________________________ was the legislation that officially made Canada an independent nation.
15. The act outlined the fact that the Parliament of Canada would be divided into two “Houses.” The first, known as the _________________________________________ was made up of politicians elected by the voters. The number of politicians in this House depended on the population of each province. This was known as____________________________________________.
16. The other “House,” known as the ______________________ would be chosen, or______________________ , by the Prime Minister.
17. This house had the same number of representatives for all provinces, regardless of population. This system was known as ____________________________.
18. It was also decided that Canada would be a _______________________________ nation, with the two main languages being ______________ and ___________________.
19. List two responsibilities of the Federal Government in Canada
            a) _____________________________________________________________________________________

20.  List two responsibilities of the Provincial Government in Canada
            a) _____________________________________________________________________________________

21. Although he had many ups and downs as Prime Minister, Sir John A. Macdonald made some very important contributions to the Dominion of Canada. He supported the creation of a _____________________________ across the country. In addition, Macdonald pushed for more settlement of  _____________________________________________.
22. Spell “Dominion” and “Confederation.” _______________________. ___________________.

Bonus: Imagine you were present at the meetings that led to the Confederation of Canada, and the British North America Act. Would you feel most strongly about having the Dominion of Canada’s Government based on Representation by Population, Equal Representation, or Sir John A. Macdonald’s compromise of having a House of Commons, based on Representation by Population, and a Senate based on Equal Representation? Briefly explain your thoughts. (2 Marks)

Word Bank:

Intercolonial Railway
Grand Trunk Railway
United States
George Brown
London (England)
Representation by population
Nova Scotia
New Brunswick
Prince Edward Island
Canada West
Canada East
Fathers of Confederation
Black People
First Nations Peoples
July 1, 1867
Nova Scotia
New Brunswick
Sir John A. Macdonald
British North America Act
House of Commons
Representation by population
Equal representation
Western Canada