Wednesday 19 October 2016

Chapter 2 - Scavenger Hunts

Factors that Led to Confederation #1 – Railways (pg. 37-39)
1.Around the time of Confederation, most goods were transported using ____________, __________, ___________, _____________. Unfortunately roads weren’t well made and were not useable most of the year because they were covered with _______ and _______. Most people felt that railways were the most important way of moving passengers and freight around British North America.
2.One important railway, the _______________railway  linked Toronto to _______________.
3.Many people also felt that if the ___________________ railway was extended from the Maritimes (Nova Scotia, New Brunswick) further west  to ______________ they could also increase the number of people using both railways.
4.Using the line below, make a quick sketch showing how the two railways connected different important cities. Label the cities Nova Scotia, Montreal and Toronto. Also label the railways (Grand Trunk and Intercolonial).


6.     What is one thing that the linked railway system could transport from Nova Scotia to Toronto? __________
7.One politician from Canada East (Quebec) that was highly involved in railway development was _________________.
8.One politician from Canada West (Ontario) involved in railway development was ___________________.
9.When were the first steam-powered railways used in North America? __________________

10.Banks, such as __________  in ________, England were the ones lending money to help build railways. They only wanted to lend money if the ________________ were going to join together, because that would lead to more business for the railways and quicker repayment of loans.

Factors that Led to Confederation #2 – Defense (40-43)

1.The War of 1812 was a battle where _______________________________ defended its colonies against ___________________. 
2.Having troops in the British colonies was very  ____________________, so the British decided to keep only a few troops in British North America, called a ___________________ defense force. They realized more troops could be brought over quickly using  _______________________.
3.Britain’s battle against the Russians in 1854 was known as the _________________ War. Many troops were needed for this battle and so they came back to Britain from British North America to help out.
4.Another concern for the security of the colonies was the _______________. This was an ________________ organization rebelling against their poor treatment by the British. Once again, many people felt that if the Colonies linked together, they could do a better job defending themselves as a united group.
5.Although the Fenians did very little to disrupt British North America, they were thought to be involved in the killing of an Irish-born politician named ______________________ who disagreed with the Fenians violent tactics.
6.Briefly explain why a Civil War began in the United States in 1861.

7.The US civil war was between the North (also called the_____________________) and the South (also called the________________________).
8.One event that almost sparked another battle between the United States and British North America took place in _________ when an American warship stopped an unarmed British merchant and mail ship called the ________________.
The American warship that stopped the Trent was known as the ______________________.

Factors that Led to Confederation #3 – Political Issues(pg. 45-49)
1.In Canada West, there were two main political groups, or parties. The first was led by the future first Prime Minister of Canada, ___________________. This group was known as the ________________________. The second group, known as the _______________, was led by _____________________.
2.The nickname for the Conservatives was the _______________.
3.The nickname for the Liberals was the ________________.
4.Both George Brown and Sir John A. Macdonald believed in joining British North America into a union.
5.In 1861, the population of Canada West was _____________________.
6.In 1861, the population of Canada East was _____________________.
7.Since more people lived in Canada West than Canada East, Macdonald and Brown thought it was only fair for Canada West to have more elected representative when Confederation took place. Determining how many elected politicians will represent and area based on its population is called _________________________.
8.Brown and Macdonald calculated that base don Representation by population, Canada West should have 81 elected officials (seats in parliament) and Canada East should have only __________.
9.In Canada East, ___________________________ served a political party called the ______________. He wanted to make sure that Canada East would still have power over _________________ and _____________. He disagreed with the idea of representation ___________________.
10.In Canada East, _______________________ served a political party called the _________________. He wanted Canada East to become part of the United States!
11.Another voting system, called __________________ involves each political party getting the number of seats (politicians) based on the percentage of votes they get. If they get 50 percent of the votes, they would get __________ percent of the seats. If they got _____ percent of the votes, they would get _______ percent of the seats.
12.In Canada, women receive the right to vote between ________ and 1940. First Nations People were only given the right to vote in __________ by Prime Minister Diefenbaker.