Saturday 29 October 2016

Chapter 3 - Scavenger Hunts

Scavenger Hunt #1 – Chapter 3 – The Events of Confederation (pg. 54-57)
1.John A. Macdonald emigrated from ____________, ___________ to Canada in 1820.
2.His family lived in ___________, Ontario.
3.Unfortunately, his brother was killed at age ___.
4.At the age of only _______ John was apprenticing with a _________. He started his own law practice at the age of ________.
5.In  1837 he helped defeat the rebels, led by ______________________ in the Rebellions of Upper Canada.
6.John endured two more tragedies as he entered politics. These were: ________________________________ and ______________________________________________.
7.In _________ John’s ideas of ___________________ became a reality.
8.Why did John return home with blood on his clothes on April 7, 1868?  _________________________________________________________________
9.A group of Irish rebels called the _______________ were thought to be responsible.
10.Although he was very involved in encouraging the construction of _________________ and the settling of ___________________, John was caught accepting bribes as large as $__________________.

11.He served two terms as Prime Minister. From ________________ and_______________.

Scavenger Hunt #2 – Chapter 3 – The Events of Confederation (pg. 54-57)
1.____________________ is located on Prince Edward Island.
2.In ___________ a meeting was held that included the ______________ colonies. These are: ___________________, _______________ and _________________.
3.__________________ and ________________ were not invited but important politicians from Upper and Lower _____________ were.
4._____________________ helped convince the Maritime colonies to consider forming a __________ with them. They decided to meet again shortly to further these discussions.
5.In _____________________ a meeting was held in _____________________, where ________________________ joined in as well. Once again, _______________________ was not included because it was located so far away from the other colonies.
6.The Quebec City meeting focus on the rules for ____________________________. Most people attending the conference (called delegates) voted in favour of the Quebec Resolutions.
7.They decided that there would be a _________________ constitution. This meant that there would be one government for the __________________, and one for each _________________.
8.Each level of government would handle different tasks. Education would be handle by the ________________. Dealing with the First Nations, would be handle by the _________ government.
9.Parliament would be a mix of ________________________________ and ____________________________. Representatives would be both __________________ and __________________________.
10.In the end, _______________ voted in favour of the ideas discussed, and _____________ voted against them.
11.Most politicians involved in these meeting were men from ________________, _________________ and ____________________. Unfortunately, this meant that they did not properly consider the concerns of _____________________ , __________________ or ____________________
12.Although ___________________________ and _________________________ were political opponents, they decided to set aside their differences and form a ____________________ to help solve the colonies problems.

Scavenger Hunt #3 – Chapter 3 – The Events of Confederation (pg. 58-59)
1.Not everyone agree with the ideas (resolutions) suggested during the Quebec Conference.  __________________________ from ____________________ was the leader of the ______________ Party. He was concerned the suggestions would destroy ______________________. He thought that having all people _______________ about whether or not to form a Union would be the best way forward.
2._______________________ was the Premier of __________________. He was concerned that union of Nova Scotia with larger provinces such as ___________________ and __________________ would not be beneficial. He also felt the Nova Scotian capital of ________________ was too far away from Upper and Lower Canada.
3.Macdonald and Cartier favoured Confederation because they felt it would improve the __________________ and allow for better __________________ against the United States.
4.In the end, the colonies of _______________________ and _________________________ did not agree to Confederation.
5.In ________________________________ representatives from _____________________, _____________________, ___________________ and ___________________ met with British Officials in ____________________ to determine the future of these colonies. They all agreed that Canada would become a “ _____________________________________.” Although the Dominion of Canada was still a ____________________, the __________ and _____________ were only symbols with no power in Canada’s government.

Scavenger Hunt #4 – Chapter 3 – The Events of Confederation (pg. 60-62)
1.On _______________________________ a new country was formed! The Dominion of Canada originally had _________ provinces.
2.The first four provinces were: ________________, __________________, ___________________ and _____________________.
3.The capital city, _________________ was chosen by ___________________________. A new parliament building opened in ______.
4.The ________________________________ was legislation that officially made Canada independent. The name of this act was changed to the _________________________ in 1982.
5.Canadian Parliament was divided into two “Houses.” The  ______________________ was made up of politicians elected by the voters. The ______________________ would be _________________ (synonym for chosen) by the Prime Minister.
6.The House of Common was based on the idea of _____________________________________. By contrast, the ________________ had equal representation for all regions.
7.Canada would also be _________________________, speaking both _____________ and _________________.
8.In 1867 it was also decided that Provinces would be responsible for ___________________ and _________________________.
9.Using the chart on page 62, make a list of five key responsibilities for the Federal Government and five key responsibilities for the Provincial Government