Saturday, 29 October 2016

Test Questions!

*The test will take place on Tuesday, November 1 (8A and 8B)

                                              Who were these men? Recognize anyone?

Confederation – Unit Test #1

*Fill in all blanks with the best answer. Each blank is worth 1 mark. Have fun!

1.     Many felt that railways such as the ____________________________________ , from  ____________________ to ______________________, and the _________________________ from ____________________ to ______________________ were essential to the future security and economy of the British North American colonies.
2.     In the years before Confederation, Britain began to move more and more of its troops out of the colonies. This was because soldiers were expensive, and Britain needed additional help to fight battles in Europe. As a result, defending the colonies from internal and external threats became a big concern. One fairly small group of Irish settlers, known as the___________________________, was one of these security concerns.
3.     During the American Civil War, an American warship stopped an unarmed British merchant and mail ship. This event, known as the “______________ Affair” increased tensions, and emphasized the fact that invasion by the ______________________________was still a genuine threat. Formation of a union, was, once again, considered one way to decrease this risk.
4.     Before confederation, there were two main political parties in Canada West, both of which still exist today. The _________________________________ were led by Sir John A. Macdonald. The _____________________________________ were led by ________________________________ . Fortunately, these two leaders agreed to put aside some of their political differences to form a coalition and promote union of the colonies in British North America.
5.     Since more people lived in Canada West than Canada East, Macdonald and Brown thought it was only fair for Canada West to have more elected representatives. Determining how many elected politicians will represent an area, based on its population, is called ________________________________________.
6.     Three separate conferences were held prior to Confederation to establish the guidelines for how a united country would look. These were held in _____________________________, ____________________________ and ______________________________.
7.     The first of these conferences was originally only going to include the ________________________ colonies. These included: ______________________, __________________________ and _________________________.
8.     However, Sir John A. Macdonald felt very strongly about forming a union with these three colonies, and convinced them to include ___________________________ and _____________________________ in the meetings.
9.     Unfortunately, the delegates involved in these conferences, known as the “_____________________________________,” did not consider the opinions and rights of several very important groups.
10. These included: _________________, _________________ and _____________________________.
11. The Dominion of Canada was officially formed on _______________________________.
12. The first four Provinces included in the Dominion were: ________________________ ________________________, ________________________and ,_________________________________.
13. The first Prime Minister of the Dominion was ___________________________________.
14. The Confederation Act, also known as the  ________________________________________ was the legislation that officially made Canada an independent nation.
15. The act outlined the fact that the Parliament of Canada would be divided into two “Houses.” The first, known as the _________________________________________ was made up of politicians elected by the voters. The number of politicians in this House depended on the population of each province. This was known as____________________________________________.
16. The other “House,” known as the ______________________ would be chosen, or______________________ , by the Prime Minister.
17. This house had the same number of representatives for all provinces, regardless of population. This system was known as ____________________________.
18. It was also decided that Canada would be a _______________________________ nation, with the two main languages being ______________ and ___________________.
19. List two responsibilities of the Federal Government in Canada
            a) _____________________________________________________________________________________

20.  List two responsibilities of the Provincial Government in Canada
            a) _____________________________________________________________________________________

21. Although he had many ups and downs as Prime Minister, Sir John A. Macdonald made some very important contributions to the Dominion of Canada. He supported the creation of a _____________________________ across the country. In addition, Macdonald pushed for more settlement of  _____________________________________________.
22. Spell “Dominion” and “Confederation.” _______________________. ___________________.

Bonus: Imagine you were present at the meetings that led to the Confederation of Canada, and the British North America Act. Would you feel most strongly about having the Dominion of Canada’s Government based on Representation by Population, Equal Representation, or Sir John A. Macdonald’s compromise of having a House of Commons, based on Representation by Population, and a Senate based on Equal Representation? Briefly explain your thoughts. (2 Marks)

Word Bank:

Intercolonial Railway
Grand Trunk Railway
United States
George Brown
London (England)
Representation by population
Nova Scotia
New Brunswick
Prince Edward Island
Canada West
Canada East
Fathers of Confederation
Black People
First Nations Peoples
July 1, 1867
Nova Scotia
New Brunswick
Sir John A. Macdonald
British North America Act
House of Commons
Representation by population
Equal representation
Western Canada

Chapter 3 - Scavenger Hunts

Scavenger Hunt #1 – Chapter 3 – The Events of Confederation (pg. 54-57)
1.John A. Macdonald emigrated from ____________, ___________ to Canada in 1820.
2.His family lived in ___________, Ontario.
3.Unfortunately, his brother was killed at age ___.
4.At the age of only _______ John was apprenticing with a _________. He started his own law practice at the age of ________.
5.In  1837 he helped defeat the rebels, led by ______________________ in the Rebellions of Upper Canada.
6.John endured two more tragedies as he entered politics. These were: ________________________________ and ______________________________________________.
7.In _________ John’s ideas of ___________________ became a reality.
8.Why did John return home with blood on his clothes on April 7, 1868?  _________________________________________________________________
9.A group of Irish rebels called the _______________ were thought to be responsible.
10.Although he was very involved in encouraging the construction of _________________ and the settling of ___________________, John was caught accepting bribes as large as $__________________.

11.He served two terms as Prime Minister. From ________________ and_______________.

Scavenger Hunt #2 – Chapter 3 – The Events of Confederation (pg. 54-57)
1.____________________ is located on Prince Edward Island.
2.In ___________ a meeting was held that included the ______________ colonies. These are: ___________________, _______________ and _________________.
3.__________________ and ________________ were not invited but important politicians from Upper and Lower _____________ were.
4._____________________ helped convince the Maritime colonies to consider forming a __________ with them. They decided to meet again shortly to further these discussions.
5.In _____________________ a meeting was held in _____________________, where ________________________ joined in as well. Once again, _______________________ was not included because it was located so far away from the other colonies.
6.The Quebec City meeting focus on the rules for ____________________________. Most people attending the conference (called delegates) voted in favour of the Quebec Resolutions.
7.They decided that there would be a _________________ constitution. This meant that there would be one government for the __________________, and one for each _________________.
8.Each level of government would handle different tasks. Education would be handle by the ________________. Dealing with the First Nations, would be handle by the _________ government.
9.Parliament would be a mix of ________________________________ and ____________________________. Representatives would be both __________________ and __________________________.
10.In the end, _______________ voted in favour of the ideas discussed, and _____________ voted against them.
11.Most politicians involved in these meeting were men from ________________, _________________ and ____________________. Unfortunately, this meant that they did not properly consider the concerns of _____________________ , __________________ or ____________________
12.Although ___________________________ and _________________________ were political opponents, they decided to set aside their differences and form a ____________________ to help solve the colonies problems.

Scavenger Hunt #3 – Chapter 3 – The Events of Confederation (pg. 58-59)
1.Not everyone agree with the ideas (resolutions) suggested during the Quebec Conference.  __________________________ from ____________________ was the leader of the ______________ Party. He was concerned the suggestions would destroy ______________________. He thought that having all people _______________ about whether or not to form a Union would be the best way forward.
2._______________________ was the Premier of __________________. He was concerned that union of Nova Scotia with larger provinces such as ___________________ and __________________ would not be beneficial. He also felt the Nova Scotian capital of ________________ was too far away from Upper and Lower Canada.
3.Macdonald and Cartier favoured Confederation because they felt it would improve the __________________ and allow for better __________________ against the United States.
4.In the end, the colonies of _______________________ and _________________________ did not agree to Confederation.
5.In ________________________________ representatives from _____________________, _____________________, ___________________ and ___________________ met with British Officials in ____________________ to determine the future of these colonies. They all agreed that Canada would become a “ _____________________________________.” Although the Dominion of Canada was still a ____________________, the __________ and _____________ were only symbols with no power in Canada’s government.

Scavenger Hunt #4 – Chapter 3 – The Events of Confederation (pg. 60-62)
1.On _______________________________ a new country was formed! The Dominion of Canada originally had _________ provinces.
2.The first four provinces were: ________________, __________________, ___________________ and _____________________.
3.The capital city, _________________ was chosen by ___________________________. A new parliament building opened in ______.
4.The ________________________________ was legislation that officially made Canada independent. The name of this act was changed to the _________________________ in 1982.
5.Canadian Parliament was divided into two “Houses.” The  ______________________ was made up of politicians elected by the voters. The ______________________ would be _________________ (synonym for chosen) by the Prime Minister.
6.The House of Common was based on the idea of _____________________________________. By contrast, the ________________ had equal representation for all regions.
7.Canada would also be _________________________, speaking both _____________ and _________________.
8.In 1867 it was also decided that Provinces would be responsible for ___________________ and _________________________.
9.Using the chart on page 62, make a list of five key responsibilities for the Federal Government and five key responsibilities for the Provincial Government

Thursday, 27 October 2016


*The Canada's 150th Anniversary Posters are done and I have put them up in the Gr. 7/8 hallway!
Amazing work (on both the essay components and the posters)!! Take a look at some examples below. If you have not done so, please get your "150th" essay rubrics signed by a guardian to give them a sense of how you are doing

*I have also posted some examples of the Dominion of Canada Bills we created! More excellent work (on both the essay and bills)!!!

*I am looking forward to your videos and presentations on the meetings that led to Confederation

*The questions for Monday/Tuesday's test will be posted soon (by Saturday morning)!!! Keep checking the website and study, study, study!

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Project #3 - One Minute Video or Presentation

Grade 8 History – Project #3 – The Events of Confederation

            You have been hired as the official Researchers, Script Writers, Editors, Producers, Narrators and Actors by Historica Canada to create some new "Heritage Minutes."  They would like you to focus on describing the outcomes of one of the important Conferences (Charlottetown, Quebec or London) that led to Confederation in 1867, or the key points of the British North America Act/Confederation Act.  Your final product can be a video, or acted out in class. It should be no longer than two minutes, informative and entertaining. Appropriate props and attire are encouraged!


Use of Class Time / Co-operation
·      Did all group members contribute equally?
·      Did group members use class time efficiently?

·      Content – Is the video informative?
·      Does it clearly teach us about the event(s) chosen?
·      Depth of research – Includes information from three sources other than the Grade 8 textbook

·      Script
·      Proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure
·      Clearly written ideas
·      Creativity

·      Professionalism
·      Props
·      Creativity
·      Within two-minute time limit

Website Link For Examples of Heritage Minutes:

Recommended Research Links:

Curriculum Links/Learning Goals

`A1. Assess the impact of some key social, economic, and political factors, including social, economic, and/or political inequality, on various Canadians between 1850 and 1890 as well as on the creation and expansion of the Dominion of Canada
A2. Use the historical inquiry process to investigate perspectives of different groups on some significant events, developments, and/or issues that affected Canada and/or Canadians between 1850 and 1890
A3. Describe various significant events, developments, and people in Canada between 1850 and 1890, and explain their impact
A1.1 Evaluate the importance of various internal and external factors that played a role in the creation of the Dominion of Canada and the expansion of its territory
A2.4 Interpret and analyse information and evidence relevant to their investigations, using a variety of tools
A2.1 Formulate questions to guide investigations into perspectives of different groups on some significant events, developments, and/or issues that affected Canada and/or Canadians between 1850 and 1890
A2.5 Evaluate evidence and draw conclusions about perspectives of different groups on some significant events, developments, and/or issues in Canada during this period
A2.6 Communicate the results of their inquiries using appropriate vocabulary