Monday 26 September 2016


Some students have asked to see an example of "Level 4" work. Below is a completed research assignment for a "recent" Canadian. It includes a short introductory paragraph, three paragraphs covering key accomplishments, a paragraph focusing on additional interesting facts, and a concluding statement. Hope this helps! If not, please come see me. Looking forward to all your great assignments and posters (and hopefully lots of level 3's and 4's)!

David Suzuki

David Suzuki is a well-known Scientist, Environmental Rights Activist and Television and Radio Broadcaster. He was born in Vancouver, British Colombia in 1936 and is still alive today.
            One of Suzuki’s first great accomplishments was completing University with a Science degree in Genetics. He studied how cells divide, and even won an award called the Steacie Memorial Fellowship in 1969 for being considered the best young Scientist in Canada.
            While working for the CBC, Suzuki was involved in both television and radio shows. His best-known television projects include the shows Nature of ThingsSuzuki on Science, and the special Planet for the TakingPlanet for the Taking won an Environmental Program Medal from the United Nations. He also worked on a radio show called Quirks and Quarks.
            Another accomplishment of Suzuki’s is the amazing work he has done to promote awareness of Environmental issues. In 1990, he started a non-profit organization called the David Suzuki foundation, to raise funds to solve Environmental problems in Canada. He has also toured the world stressing the importance of a healthy Environment.
            It is also interesting to note that Suzuki has written over 50 books, mostly Science-related. He has won many awards for his work, including the prestigious Order of Canada. Overall, he can certainly be considered a great Canadian, and an inspiration to us all!

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