Monday 19 September 2016

Canada's 150th Anniversary Poster and Research Project

Canada's 150th Project!

*I apologize for some technical difficulties. The project outline is posted below, as well as the rubric, project checklist and research organizer. Please note that each student will be given a PAPER COPY of the rubric, research organizer and project checklist in class. There is no need to print these at home. I have posted these just to give a sense of the overall project. Have fun! Can't wait to see the finished posters!!

Canada’s 150th Anniversary Project Outline

 As we have discussed in class, 2017 will be the 150th anniversary of the formation of Canada (or as it was called on July 1, 1867, the Dominion of Canada). The Dominion of Canada first included Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. In honour of this historic event, we will be collaborating with the Grade 8 Art teacher, Ms. Enns, to create informative posters celebrating the incredible achievements of Canadians, both past and present. The guidelines and format for the poster will be explained in more detail by Ms. Enns.

Learning Goals (From the Grade 8 History Curriculum):
-To identify the achievements and contributions of significant people in Canada’s history
-To use a variety of resources to gather, process, and communicate information
-To communicate the results of inquiries for specific purposes and audiences using written notes and drawings
-To prepare a biographical sketch of a historical person from the period 1850-1914
-To use appropriate vocabulary


There will be two separate assessments for this project. One will be for your poster. This will be an Art mark given by Ms. Enns. The second assessment will be for History, from Mr. Mak, for your three mini-reports. The expectations and rubric for History are posted below.

Mini-Report Expectations

For this project you will be expected to create three “mini-reports” to go along with the poster you and your group create in Art class. The first report will focus on an incredible Canadian whose accomplishments are more recent. The second will focus on the accomplishments of an individual whose achievements were important to Canadian history from 1600-1850. The third report will expand on an incredible Canadian invention or significant event in Canadian history.

Step #1 – Selection: Choose your topics
                 -There are several links on the History website to help give you ideas
                 -There are also a wide variety of History texts from the JSB library in the classroom to use
                -You may also use the Grade 7 History textbook

Step #2  -Research: Use a variety of resources (at least three books or websites) to compile information about this individual’s accomplishments. Please try to use both books and websites (and choose your websites wisely!). For the inventions, focus on what they do and why they are important. For Historical events, focus on what happened, why it happened and why it was important to Canada.

Step#3 – Rough draft: Write out a rough draft of your mini-reports and have several people proofread (friends, teachers, family)

Step #4 – Good Copy – Type out a good copy of the report, including any corrections or suggestions made by your proof readers



 1)   One or two things I did well on this project:
  2)   One or two things I could do better next time:
Teacher Suggestions and comments:

Incredible Canadians - Research Organizer – Grade 8

Incredible RECENT Canadian  

–Name:  _______________Date of Birth/Death: __________________

Major Accomplishment(s) – What did this person do that was important?



Other Interesting Information (2 facts)


Resources Used (books,websites):_____________________________________________________

Incredible Historic Person (1850-1914)

–Name:  _______________Date of Birth/Death:______________

Major Accomplishment(s) – What did this person do that was important?



Other Interesting Information (2 facts)


Resources Used (books, websites):____________________________________________________

Incredible Invention OR Event In Canadian History

Event - When and where it took place: __________________________________________________

Event - What happened?

Event - Why it is an important event in Canadian History?

Invention - When and where it was created: _____________________________________________

Invention – Who created it?

What does it do? Why is it useful or interesting?

Resources Used (books, websites):____________________________________________________