*It was an incredibly difficult decision, but our winners are:
8B - L.O., J.B. , A.J. and T.L.
8A - *There were too many amazing hunts of comparable quality in this class.
Winners: S. M., A. B., A. J., B.M., W. W., N.A and Z.G.
*This was our most consistent project of the year. Keep up the great work Grade 8!
*The test will be this Friday, February 10th for both classes. Tests are posted below.
Good luck studying!
Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR)- Unit Test - 8A
1) The __________________________ was a railway that
went from the ______________ of Canada to British Colombia. This means it was
___________________, because it traveled from one end of the country to the
other.2) In 1871, when _________________________, the first Prime
Minister of Canada, was persuading ____________________ to join Confederation,
he promised to have the railway constructed within _________. 3) The railway’s progress was slow and MacDonald
needed money to support his campaign. This is when the ______________________,
a political crisis, arose. 4) Sir John A. MacDonald took a ________ of _________
dollars from a rich ship-builder named _________________. 5) In the election, the ___________________ won 103
seats compared to 97 seats for the Liberals, and Allan’s group was granted the
contract to build the railway. 6) After the election, many people began to speak of
the money involved. This created the appearance of a bribe and this caused him
to lose his seat in Parliament. _____________________, leader of the Liberal
Party, won the position of Prime Minister, in 1874.7) Four years later, in 1878, MacDonald won the
election by making a new economic policy. It was known as the _______________.
It became very popular among Canadian industries as it opened many job
opportunities. Macdonald won three more elections due to the impact of the
policy. 8) The time for the ten-year promise was running out.
In _______, he assigned a new contract to complete the railway. Some of the
supporters of the railway were wealthy bankers, such as: _______________, J.J.
Hill, and George Stephen. 9) Once construction began, the railway was completed
in only ___________, as workers laid down tracks from _________, Ontario, to
____________, British Colombia. 10) A railway in Milwaukee had a General Superintendent
by the name of _______________ who also was also appointed general manager of
the CPR on January 1, 1882. He was also in charge of selecting the labourers,
otherwise known as ______________, for the building of the Canadian Pacific Railway.
11) Another man, _________________, oversaw the building of the railway reaching from Port Moody, B.C., to _________________British Colombia. 12) Throughout construction, white workers, who had “safer” jobs, were paid ______ a day. By contrast, ____________________, who did almost all the dangerous jobs, were paid only ____ a day. Cold weather, lack of medical care and crowded living spaces were only a few examples of the _______________________ the Chinese labourers had to endure. 13) In order to discourage further immigration after the railway was complete, every Chinese person coming to Canada had to pay a ___________ of $50. This amount increased significantly over the next few years. 14) The ____________was driven into the railway on ____________________by financier Donald A. Smith in Craigellachie, B.C., far ahead of schedule. 15) The railway helped Canada survive, deliver trades, goods and people from Nova Scotia to British Columbia. This was the ____________________. Bonus: While the Chinese were using _________________ to blow up rock to create tunnels through the mountains, they discovered ____________deposits that they believed would bring health, wealth, and happiness.
11) Another man, _________________, oversaw the building of the railway reaching from Port Moody, B.C., to _________________British Colombia. 12) Throughout construction, white workers, who had “safer” jobs, were paid ______ a day. By contrast, ____________________, who did almost all the dangerous jobs, were paid only ____ a day. Cold weather, lack of medical care and crowded living spaces were only a few examples of the _______________________ the Chinese labourers had to endure. 13) In order to discourage further immigration after the railway was complete, every Chinese person coming to Canada had to pay a ___________ of $50. This amount increased significantly over the next few years. 14) The ____________was driven into the railway on ____________________by financier Donald A. Smith in Craigellachie, B.C., far ahead of schedule. 15) The railway helped Canada survive, deliver trades, goods and people from Nova Scotia to British Columbia. This was the ____________________. Bonus: While the Chinese were using _________________ to blow up rock to create tunnels through the mountains, they discovered ____________deposits that they believed would bring health, wealth, and happiness.