Saturday 22 April 2017

Analyzing Developed and Developing Nations

*Tentative presentation dates: Week of May 15

Name: _____________________
Developed Nation:______________________
Developing Nation:______________________
Guardian Signature:______________________
Final Grade:______________________

An In-Depth Comparison of Developed and Developing Nations Focusing on
World Human Patterns/ World Economic Systems/Mobility, Migration and Culture



-Is the Nation Developed or Developing?
-Very Brief History – When started? By whom? Two-three key events
-Flag – When was it chosen? Significance of colours and/or symbols on it?
-Culture – typical food / clothing / music (20 second snippet)
-Famous people and their accomplishments (One per country)
-Language(s) Spoken
-Religion(s) practiced
-Maps: Political close up and full world
-Map: Physical – discuss landforms
-Map: Climate
-Government Structure – briefly explain
-Education System – describe
-Literacy Rates (with chart or graph)
-Health Care System - describe
-Unique Landforms and landmarks (natural and man-made)

Unit 1: World Human Patterns

-Major Cities / Capital city (location / population / discuss -site and  situation)
-Population distribution with map
-Population Density (with calculation shown)
-Population Distribution – with map – explain if linear/scattered/clustered
-Population pyramid - discuss
-Natural Increase (Birth rate – death rate)
-Life Expectancy and explain why it is high / medium/ low
-Infant Mortality Rate

Unit 2: World Economic Patterns

-Income GNI/GDP per capita
-Major Industries – Are they primary, secondary or tertiary?
-Map: Resource/Economic (showing biotic vs. abiotic)
-Greenhouse Gas Emissions  (chart /graph)
-Agriculture/ Land Use
-Type of Economy – Traditional, Mixed, Market, Command

Unit 3: Migration, Mobility and Culture

-Assimilation vs. Multiculturalism
-Migration (immigration vs. emigration)
– Push/pull factors (i.e. - entry visas)
-Typical methods of transportation
-Do they receive Developmental Aid? (i.e. - NGO / Foreign, bilateral, multilateral, tied aid)

-Use of Class Time
-Completion of task on time


-A separate slide with references for sources of all information is included
-A separate slide with references for all images is included
-Students have used a wide variety of age and ability appropriate research sources

Saturday 1 April 2017

Test Expectations

Our first geography test will be on Wednesday April 5 for BOTH classes!

  • 7 continents and 5 oceans (names, location)
  • 10 provinces and 3 territories (names, location)
  • Province capitals (names, location)
  • Great lakes - names, location, basic information
  • Layers of the Earth - names, composition, basic information

  • Hemispheres
  • Climate zones
  • Layers of the Atmosphere

  • Absolute location - finding latitude and longitude
  • Important lines of Longitude and latitude - Prime Meridian and Equator, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, Arctic Circle, Antarctic Circle
  • Global Warming - What is it? Causes? Main greenhouse gases and what produces them? Impacts on our planet? Ways to reduce Global Warming? Difference between Global Warming and the Greenhouse Effect?
  • Compass Rose / directions (all 16 - i.e. N/NE/NNE)
  • Main types of maps (thematic, political, topographical, physical)
  • Non-renewable energy (fossil fuels) - What does non-renewable mean? What are fossil fuels? How are they made?
  • Main forms of non-renewable energy: fossil fuels - oil, coal and natural gas (student energy youtube channel: oil 101, coal 101, natural gas 101)
  • Renewable energy - What is renewable energy?
  • Main forms of renewable energy: solar, biomass, geothermal, biofuels, wind, tidal, hydro, etc. (student energy youtube channel : solar 101 - thermal and photovoltaic, biomass 101, biofuel 101, geothermal 101, wind 101, tidal 101, hydro 101)

Wednesday 1 March 2017

Layers of the Earth and Layers of the Atmosphere

*We will have a small quiz next class on our Learning Goals from today: Layers of the Earth and Layers of the Atmosphere (names and basic knowledge)
*Complete and re-read the activity sheets we worked on as review
*If you were absent, please stop by room 212 to get the two sheets

Related videos from class:

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Co-ordinates Review - Latitude and Longitude

Try the questions above. We will have a similar mini-test next class. Be sure to see Mr. Mak right away, if you need any extra help!

Wednesday 15 February 2017

Geography Review Test - 8A (Tues Feb 21 ) 8B(Tues Feb 21 )

Great work and participation in class today!

Learning Goals:

Seven continents (names and locations)

All five oceans (names and locations)

10 Provinces and 3 Territories (names and locations)

Four hemispheres - North, South, West, East (names and locations)

Latitude (running W-E, named N and S) and Longitude (Running N-S, Named W and E)

Prime Meridian


Sunday 5 February 2017

The Winners!

*Wilfrid Laurier video from class

*It was an incredibly difficult decision, but our winners are:

8B - L.O., J.B. , A.J. and T.L.

8A - *There were too many amazing hunts of comparable quality in this class.
Winners:  S. M., A. B., A. J., B.M., W. W., N.A and Z.G.

*This was our most consistent project of the year. Keep up the great work Grade 8!

*The test will be this Friday, February 10th for both classes. Tests are posted below.
Good luck studying!

     Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR)- Unit Test - 8A 

1)     The __________________________ was a railway that went from the ______________ of Canada to British Colombia. This means it was ___________________, because it traveled from one end of the country to the other.2)     In 1871, when _________________________, the first Prime Minister of Canada, was persuading ____________________ to join Confederation, he promised to have the railway constructed within _________. 3)     The railway’s progress was slow and MacDonald needed money to support his campaign. This is when the ______________________, a political crisis, arose. 4)     Sir John A. MacDonald took a ________ of _________ dollars from a rich ship-builder named _________________. 5)     In the election, the ___________________ won 103 seats compared to 97 seats for the Liberals, and Allan’s group was granted the contract to build the railway. 6)     After the election, many people began to speak of the money involved. This created the appearance of a bribe and this caused him to lose his seat in Parliament. _____________________, leader of the Liberal Party, won the position of Prime Minister, in 1874.7)     Four years later, in 1878, MacDonald won the election by making a new economic policy. It was known as the _______________. It became very popular among Canadian industries as it opened many job opportunities. Macdonald won three more elections due to the impact of the policy. 8)     The time for the ten-year promise was running out. In _______, he assigned a new contract to complete the railway. Some of the supporters of the railway were wealthy bankers, such as: _______________, J.J. Hill, and George Stephen. 9)     Once construction began, the railway was completed in only ___________, as workers laid down tracks from _________, Ontario, to ____________, British Colombia. 10)  A railway in Milwaukee had a General Superintendent by the name of _______________ who also was also appointed general manager of the CPR on January 1, 1882. He was also in charge of selecting the labourers, otherwise known as ______________, for the building of the Canadian Pacific Railway.
11)  Another man, _________________, oversaw the building of the railway reaching from Port Moody, B.C., to _________________British Colombia. 12)  Throughout construction, white workers, who had “safer” jobs, were paid ______ a day. By contrast, ____________________, who did almost all the dangerous jobs, were paid only ____ a day.  Cold weather, lack of medical care and crowded living spaces were only a few examples of the _______________________   the Chinese labourers had to endure. 13)  In order to discourage further immigration after the railway was complete, every Chinese person coming to Canada had to pay a ___________ of $50. This amount increased significantly over the next few years. 14)  The ____________was driven into the railway on ____________________by financier Donald A. Smith in Craigellachie, B.C., far ahead of schedule. 15)   The railway helped Canada survive, deliver trades, goods and people from Nova Scotia to British Columbia. This was the ____________________. Bonus: While the Chinese were using _________________ to blow up rock to create tunnels through the mountains, they discovered ____________deposits that they believed would bring health, wealth, and happiness.


                                           The Canadian Pacific Railway Test - 8B

1.       The __________________________ was a railway that went from the ______________ of Canada to __________. This means it was ___________________, because it travelled from one end of the country to the other.
2.       In 1871, when _________________________, Canada’s first Prime Minister, was persuading ____________________ to join Confederation, he promised to have the railway constructed within _________.3.     To help win the 1872 election, the ___________________ party took a large _________ of _____________ to make sure that rich ship builder ___________________’s crew was given the contract for the Canadian Pacific Railway. When word leaked that Allan had given a money to the Conservatives to help their campaign, it backfired. This event was then called the _________________.

4.     While supporters claimed that there was no evidence that the ___________________ railway contract was given because of the bribe, another election was called in 1874 and the Liberal leader _____________________ became the new Prime Minister. 

5.     After the Conservatives lost the election in 1874, they stormed back in 1878, winning 137 to 69 seats. A big reason for the win was Macdonald’s ____________________, which raised tariffs on foreign products and reduced tariffs on imported materials.
6.      By 1878, there had only been a few attempts by the government to build the railroad in Manitoba and ___________. So in ______, MacDonald gave a new contract to a railroad company in Montreal. 

7. Many supporters of this contract were wealthy businessmen and bank owners like _____________ and J.J. Hill.
8.     Over a five-year term, workers laid tracks from ___________, Ontario, to _____________, British Columbia.
9.      ________________________ was born in the  U.S. and was the general superintendent of the Milwaukee, Wisconsin railway. He then moved to Canada and was appointed general manager of the CPR. He came up with the idea of hiring ___________ for cheap. About 15,000 labourers, also known as _________________, came from China to assist with construction. In addition to horrible ________________ for them, the Chinese were paid only________as compared to _______ for White workers.
10. In order to discourage further immigration after the railway was complete, every Chinese person coming to Canada had to pay a ___________ of $50. This amount increased significantly over the next few years.11.   A man known as__________________ was hired on as the supervisor of the railway building in B.C, from ________________ to Port Moody. Over a _____________ time period, the whole railway was constructed, finishing on ____________________. Upon completion, the transcontinental railway, spanned from the East Coast of Canada to the West Coast, with Donald J. Smith, one of the railway’s financial backers, hammering in the ________________.
12.  The _________________________ was felt right away. It helped in transport cargo and people across the country and was also able to send troops to areas of need, such as Batoche, very quickly.
13.  Bonus: While the Chinese were using _________________ to blow up rock to create tunnels through the mountains, they discovered ____________ deposits that they believed would bring health, wealth, and happiness.